Kurt Cederholm Cartography
Bivariate Choropleth of child abuse investigation rates in conjunction with poverty rates.
Surface Interpolation of abuse/neglect investigations using the Kernel Density Estimation function.
Extruded Hexagonal Bin map
of foster care placements.
Ring Map of foster care placements in the Bronx from 2007 to 2014.
Kernel Density Estimation Surface of Family Service Unit Cases with the Bronx North borough split emphasized.
Stacked Choropleth of in community placement rates. In community placement rates are the percentage of children who are placed in their community district of origin or a neighboring community district.
Predominant country of origin choropleth by census tract using American Community Survey data.
Regression analysis of PM 2.5 (fine particulate thought to have adverse health effects) concentration in proximity to major truck routes through NYC.
Raster analysis of Landsat 5 Imagery depicting the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of New York City.
Disaggregation of a NYC census block using dasymetric mapping to better represent population distribution over that geography.
Illuminated Choropleth of noise complaints in NYC using 311 data and classified with Natural Breaks.
Choropleth for an Early Childhood Education project showing the eligible children subtracted from education center capacity by community district with center locations and utilization rates.
Surface interpolation of address density of active preventive cases using Kernel Density Estimation.